Multistage Filtration In One Filter Candle

Two-Step Water Purification Process


First Chamber

Water Treatment

Doulton® water treatment cartridges allow the removal of additional contaminants from your drinking water, giving you access to pure and uncontaminated water.

Sediment & Particle

In areas of high sediment, fitting a Doulton® pre-filter in the first chamber of the DUO™ will remove sediment and particles down to 5 microns in size. It will also protect the ceramic filter candle in Stage 2, eliminating the need for excess cleaning and prolonging its life.


Protect against the damaging effects of hard water by using the Doulton® Cleansoft™ limescale reduction cartridge. This will reduce the hardness in drinking water and the unpleasant ‘chalky’ taste of hard water. Cleansoft™ will improve limescale build up in kettles and the layer that forms on the surface of hot drinks.


Second Chamber

Ceramic Filter Candle

The second chamber of the DUO™ houses the ceramic filter candle. Selection of the most appropriate grade of candle allows the filter performance to be extremely efficient in providing the consumers with pure and clean water.


The Supercarb® grade of the candle is fitted with an activated carbon block. Amongst other things, activated carbon is extremely effective at removing chlorine from water.